News Read news about Digi-Lingo. News 08-01-2025 Unlock the potential of digital citizenship in your language classroom! Digital citizenship through language education. 11-11-2024 Language subjects under pressure: New digital tools to spark interest among more young people to learn foreign language The EU project DIGI-LINGO now presents new models and digital tools to promote foreign language teaching. 04-11-2024 Setting up Virtual Exchanges for Language Learning Starting November 4, 2024 DIGI-LINGO Project Result. 24-09-2024 Guidelines for digital foreign language learning, teaching and virtual pupils’ exchange The DIGI-LINGO project has now published didactic and pedagogical guidelines for teachers on implementing digital tools in foreign language teaching. 10-09-2024 Foreign Language Teaching in the Classroom The program for the final conference in November 2024 is now ready. 21-06-2024 Final conference on the 8th of November 2024 The DIGI-LINGO project is concluding with a final conference in Brussels. 29-04-2024 3rd annual Digi-Lingo partner meeting The third annual Digi-Lingo partner meeting took place in Bergen from 21-23 April, hosted by our Norwegian partner, Vestland Fylkeskommune. 22-03-2024 Successful and educational teacher seminar i Bergen The partners and partner schools in DIGI-LINGO met in Bergen for the second two-day teacher seminar. 02-02-2024 Teacher seminar in Brussels The partners and partner schools in DIGI-LINGO met in Brussels for a two-day seminar. 11-10-2023 Successful co-creation workshop in Brussels 25 partners from Digi-Lingo met in Brussels and discussed results and recommendations, good practices and experiences. 22-09-2023 New publications with results and recommendations Read our latest publications from the DIGI-LINGO project. 15-05-2023 Publication of framework 24-03-2023 2rd annual DIGI-LINGO partner meeting The DIGI-LINGO partner group held its second in-person meeting in San Sebastian from 13-15 March, hosted by our Basque partner Kristau Eskola. 20-09-2022 A day on digital teaching and virtual exchanges Come and join our webinar on foreign language learning and teaching in the digital age 30-08-2022 DIGI-LINGO launches new website We are proud to announce, that the DIGI-LINGO website is up and running. On this page we will be updating with news, materials and project updates.