Successful co-creation workshop in Brussels
25 partners from Digi-Lingo met in Brussels and discussed results and recommendations, good practices and experiences.

Last week - the 5th and 6th of October 2023 - 25 partners and teachers from 14 different Belgian, Norwegian, Basque and Danish schools meet in Brussels to discuss results and recommendations, share good practices and experience. The meeting was arranged by GO! at the Teirlinck building of the Flemish government.
Through sharing of good practices from each partner region the participants achieved knowledge and insight in the practical use of digital tools and methods used in other countries and regions.
A lot of foreign languages are challenged as English is the dominant language in almost every context. Therefore, the projects aim is as project result 2 to develop pedagogical and didactic digital teaching guidelines and methods for virtual language teaching and exchange. This was the most important task on the second day, supported by a presentation and discussion of the Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning (PTDL) Model. The teachers discussed how this model is integrated in todays practice and all participants debated were the DIGI-LINGO guidelines and methods can support and improve the use of the model.
The DIGI-LINGO guidelines and methods will be further developed and tested by teachers at transnational teacher seminars using blended learning in the beginning of 2024. The seminars are the third result in the project and the purpose is to train the participating partner schools and teachers in the new guidelines and methods.