Successful and educational teacher seminar i Bergen
The partners and partner schools in DIGI-LINGO met in Bergen for the second two-day teacher seminar.

"Digital immigrants teach the digital natives." This is the everyday reality for many upper secondary teachers, and this challenge was discussed among the participants at the second teacher seminar in Bergen. However, digital knowledge encompasses much more than the ability to apply AI technologies. It involves understanding what AI is and how it works, its impact on the world around us, critical thinking, ethical considerations, and more. These are the factors teachers must consider when integrating AI into the planning, execution, and assessment of their teaching – deciding when and how to use AI.
Vestland Fylkeskommune, the host of the seminar, has increased its focus on AI and learning with AI over the past few years. Participants were introduced to how schools in VLFK have modernised subjects by placing greater emphasis on 21st-century skills, deep learning, competence vs. knowledge, strengthening student involvement, and fostering critical thinking and digital skills in the comprehensive modernisation of subjects. An example was provided by the Net School in VLFK, which focuses on collaboration and student activity, and participants had the opportunity to try and test these methods in practice.
Schools from Denmark, Belgium, and the Basque Country attending the seminar shared their experiences with learning approaches and tools used thus far. This included, among other things, experience with "Book Creator," a simple way to create content in the classroom and enhance learning retention. Additionally, there were concrete experiences shared about exchanging information about schools and students between a Danish and a German upper secondary school.
School visits

On day two, participants visited Nordahl Grieg videregående skole and Amalie Skram videregående skole - two relatively new schools in Bergen. The purpose was to tour the schools, engage in hands-on practical approaches, and shadow classes in Spanish, French, and German. Interaction between students and visiting teachers provided new experiences and much enjoyment.
Included in the programme was a fascinating tour of Vestlandshuset, a new modern building in the centre of Bergen, where the architecture supports the open and transparent nature of Norwegian society. Additionally, there was an interesting walk through the beautiful historical part of Bergen around the harbour.