The program for the final conference in November 2024 is now ready.


'Foreign Language Teaching in the Classroom – with Blended Learning, Digital Tools, Personalized Learning, and Virtual Exchanges' is the title of the DIGI-LINGO final conference, taking place on the 8th of November 2024.

The program consists of results from the project, such as presentations of developed guidelines, different approaches to teaching and learning and an organizational model that supports foreign language teachers in virtual exchanges. These will be presented by partners and teachers, along with expert presentations from the Danish Center for Foreign Languages (NCFF) in Denmark, the Center for Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) in Norway and the University of Mondragon in the Basque Country.

The aim of the conference is to inspire others to use the developed models and tools to enhance digital language learning, expand the use of virtual exchanges, and promote these practices across European schools and educational institutions.

See the program and register.